True or False? Cyber Insurance is only for technology, software or IT companies.

Cyber threats are a threat to any business, regardless of the size and industry.
In fact, increasingly SMEs are being targeted.
But the FSB found that 66% of SMEs don’t consider their business to be vulnerable to cyber threats.
If you use online systems or software, you could be at risk of being targeted by cyber-criminals.
Do you:
➡ Hold sensitive customer details, including names, addresses and banking details
➡ Have a website
➡ Use emails
➡ Rely on computer systems to conduct business
➡ Use payment card industry (PCI) merchant services
Then, you could be at risk of a data breach, or your services being hacked and held for ransom.
The best way to protect your business is with Cyber Insurance:
What could a Cyber Insurance policy cover?
➡ Compensation for loss of income
➡ Reinstatement of data
➡ Claims for damages made against the business
➡ Costs associated with regulatory or forensic investigations
➡ Reimbursement for the costs of repair, restoration or replacement
➡ Defence costs and damage awards if you mistakenly infringe someone’s copyright
➡ Notifying customers or regulators
➡ Civil Penalties levied by regulators
Please speak to your usual contact at Eastwood Insurance Brokers to discuss the Cyber risks you may face and how we can help you manage them.
As always, please speak to your usual Eastwood contact if you would like to discuss any of the topics raised in our article.